Bukujutsu: Enables the character to fly. -2 days-
PL Detector: Enables the user to sense where the opponent is even if the user can't see them. -3 days-
Advanced Ki Knowledge: Adds 3,000,000 AD to all ki attacks. -4 days-
Regeneration: Enable the user to regrow a missing limb, body part, or a hole in self. Only Majins, Namekians
and Demons can learn this. -10 days-
Fusion: A technique that lets two character that are close in pl to fuse into one. Both characters
must be of the same race for this to work and they must do it exactly the same. If one of them is off then the fusion
will result in a fat or skinny version of themselves. -7days-
Dead Zone: The user can open up the dead zone and send somebody in it. The person is trapped in the dead zone
for 2 weeks. Can't train and you can't learn attacks. Only once a battle. The user must have a greater strength for his opponent
to get sucked in. -14 days-
Henka Beam: Turn people to candy and eat them. Half of their pl is added to yours. Once per battle.
You must have a greater strength than your victim. The effects wear off when the user is killed or two days have
passed. Only Majins can learn. -13 days-
Instant Transmission: Can get to a planet or another place instantly, only if you've been there. Gives you 2 extra
dodges in battle. -15 days-
Time Freeze: When used the opponent is frozen for 3 turns. Once per battle. -10 days-
Absorb: A technique used to absorb a fighter into the user, the fighter
must either be weaker or wounded for this to work, otherwise they will be able to force themselves out of it. The user
inherits part of their looks and half of their pl, this technique is wears off when the user is killed, or four
days have passed. Only Majins can learn. -10 days-
Energy Absorb: Instead of using dodge or block as a counter for a ki move in battle, you can absorb the energy
attacks. When you absorb an attack, this adds half of the AD to your pl and it wears off in two days. Can only use once
in a battle/spar. Only Androids can learn. -8 days-
Blurring: You appear 2 meters closer each time and you get the hit unless your opponent knows Pl Detector.
-7 days-
Tail Regrowth: You grow your tail back and if it gets cut off it takes four turns to grow back. -8 days-
Electric Stun Blast: You stun the opponent for 2 turns. -7 days-
Turbo Speed: Allows user to travel short distances in mere seconds. -5 days-
Solar Flare: User sends out a blinding flash of light to everyone in the surrounding area and blinds them for
3 turns. Can only be used once per battle. -5 days-
Tri Form: This lets the user create three duplicates of themselves. The downfall is that your power is split up
between the four of you.If anyone of your counter parts is killed you will lose the ammount of PL that the copy was carrying
untill you have had a chance to rest. -14 days-
Invisible Jumping: The user jumps from location to location, disappearing and reappearing, in order to disorientate
the opponent. -11 days-
Zanzouken: The user leaves an after image of him/herself due to their speed. Must know Turbo Speed.
-13 days-
Double Zanzouken: The user leaves two after images around the opponent. Must know Turbo Speed. -16
Triple Zanzouken: The user leaves three after images around the opponent. -17 days-
Artificial Moon: This is a ball of light that reflects 17 million
zeno, and the amount of radiation needed for a saiyan to transform into thier great monkey form when the sun is
still out.You will not need it if it is dark and it is a full moon. Saiyans and other Saiyan races can only
use this. -7 days-
Dark Moon: This is a ball will come in handy when fighting a saiyan.The
ball will block the moon or the artfcial moon.Then if the saiyan is in the transformation he will shrink back down to his
normal size. -7 days-